
This is my personal portfolio where I do most of my reflecting by writing journal entries, creating art and more in a community full of curious minds. The material presented is designed to enlighten and engage my audience; while motivating transformation and sparking growth.

As you can see; this site dabbles in a bit of everything from writing to art, as well as, design and programming. My multidisciplinary tool set, is used to weave these diverse skills together into a cohesive site; that represents one facet of the human experience.

The goal is for me to chart my journey and invite others to partake in the critical thinking process, dialogue and experimental musings. A lot of thought and consideration has gone into shaping your digital experience; restoring personal touch to the internet through web revivalism.

There’s something quite thrilling about having my body of work viewed, so feel free to take a look around. Hopefully you’ll find something that stirs your senses, makes you feel or prompts a reaction; since the material was designed to be both relatable and accessible.